
Support China Foundation Forum


China Foundation Forum(CFF) is an industry platform voluntarily set up by China Association for Non-Profit Organisations and foundations that are committed to solid development of the institutions and industry as a whole.

In 2008, 8 organizations established the ‘ China Private Foundation Forum’ under the guidance of Bureau of NGO Management that affiliates to the Ministry of Civil Affairs. In 2016, it was transformed to ‘China Foundation Forum’. In 2017, the secretariat of CFF was registered with Beijing Civil Affairs Bureau as the ‘Beijing Service Center for Evergreen Foundation Industry NGOs’.

Amway Foundation, as a member of the CFF’s organizing committee, has been supporting work of the forum and development of the industry. The forum’s sticks to the principle of opening-up, sharing and pursuing excellence. It aims to enhance communication and cooperation between Chinese foundations and create an eco-system in the sector. The hope is that the foundation industry will become a key to effectively solving social problems and maintaining good functioning of society.

Major Achievements

As of the end of 2019, CFF has hosted 15 city forums and 18 capability-building events, which have strongly promoted the development of foundations and non-profit work;
CFF has published about 20 insightful research reports which are important reference and guidance for the foundation industry;
CFF has hosted annual meetings for 11 years in a row. In total, more than 7000 people, 3250 organisations and 330 media groups have attended the events. They have helped improve engagements within the industry and its growth.


Official website:http://www.cfforum.org.cn

WeChat official account:CFF2008

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Video Channel:基金会论坛